
Blogging it out

Here it is, i'm finally back to blogging (after saying it the last time in 2009 but obviously not keeping to it...)
During the last one week, too many things had happened, cramping up my mind to the extent that i actually felt it was kind of neccessary to blog it all out. I figured that blogging would be the answer to my frustrations and my sudden irritable nature that had kicked in over the last few weeks, which is still the case. I can't really pinpoint a specific moment to which these emotions began but i can say that i've never felt this way before.
A couple of days ago, a sudden decision was made that i could not have seen coming. It hurt like crazy and i guess i should have seen it coming...It began as nothing but ended up to be something and i don't know how i feel about it anymore. This decision was made sort of by me and sort of not... it really hasn't set in me yet. It seems unreal, but it happened so fast that the thought of it leaves me breathless. A snippet of time was lost in it and i guess it leaves me empty. It is almost impossible to describe with words what goes on inside, but it feels as if it is hollow right now, with nothing to give to those around and nothing to offer to anybody. I know this is merely a phase like a passing rain cloud but i just had to blog it out.

P.s. I wana give special thanks to ben for redesigning my blog for me. Thx man!
And don't forget to vote --> =]

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