Was reading page after page of font sized 9 in my bus law book and after 5 pages i still couldnt understand a SINGLE THING that they were saying.
Whats this "consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate" ????
isn't sufficient and adequate synonyms??? but guess what... APPARENTLY they have been given "distinct meanings" in discussions of consideration? great... i'll just have to alter the definitions of these words in my dictionary to suit this subject=.="
ok so i read on and it goes...
"a promise to perform an existing duty is no consideration, at least when the promise is made by a party to a pre-existing contract, when it is made to the promisee under that contract, and it is to do no more than the promisor is bound to do under the contract. The rule expresses the concept that the new promise, indistinguishable from the old, is an illusory consideration. And it gives no comfort to a party who by merely threatening a breach of contract seeks to secure an additional contractual benefit from the other party on the footing that the first part's new promise of performance will provide sufficient consideration for that benefit."
and then i loose concentration and everything i've just read, is flowing out of my brain within seconds of completing that paragraph and soon it's all blank and empty, just like it was before i even started reading... the crappy part to all of this is that the paragraph above is pretty much only a quarter of a page in my book.. SIGHS...
It's absolutely FRUSTRATING =.= i cant imagine having to do this for another 7 weeks.... *faints* AHHH the thought of it makes me suicidal. How on planet earth am i going to pass my bus law exam??? And to top it off, those "extended" responses, which are no different to writing a whole essay for each question, are going to screw me over. T_T
Why did i pick bus law? WHYYYYYYYY =.=?????
*note to self* Don't do anymore law subjects after this semester!!!!!
Anyways, i popped on to upload a photo of the awesome as dinner that i cooked (although it was a couple of days ago, but hey i was busy alrite!) Hmmm take a look at this...
Spare ribs with roasted pumpkin and fresh potato salad. (all made from scratch) HEHEHE
Alrites well, this is it for now, im off to waste somemore time reading those paragraphs of font sized 9 that i'm not going to be able to understand in any case.T_T
I'm doing Bus Law next semester. Thanks Xin Chin, you just ruined my excitement for the coming semester.
wow!! mad as lookin spare ribs dish xc! XD ahaha so pro =D
Hi Xinchin,
Please stop defaming the reputation of law subjects
I love contracts and I will continue to love it until I turn the last page of my 1068 page contract book.
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