
gossip girl craze

hey all!
im back on track with a sudden passion from blogging after watching the whole of season 1 Gossip girl! But just to make it clear, i did not spend 3 whole days doing a gossip girl marathon i actually worked from thursday to monday and watched it only during the night=] and thats not the best part of it! the best part is when i got my pay slip today which states that i have earn $ XXX [and juz to paint a clearer picture, its the most i've earned in a week] WHEEE!!!!!!!! hmmm let me think, what do girls do when they have MONEY... thats right... its time for some SHOPPING!!
Ok maybe not considering the fact that i should be saving up for... something special =] which of course is not the right time yet to reveal its identity.

ANyways moving on!
was it just me? or was it my luck ? coz the day just got better. Ben and i decided to go slightly earlier to queue for the 2nd hand book sale knowing quite well how many [asian] students will beat us to it even if we were 30 mins early. So we walked in through the door and unknowingly i cut the into the "line" in which i thought was non existent since there was no line and managed to get out as one of the first to get my books. =] luckily for me i didn't get in trouble with the 76512345676543456 people queuing up behind me! =P phewwww* but yeh it was all good and at least i spent sometime with the smelly poop whilst waiting for my dad =]

I finally figure out that the most satisfying thing to do is to own a guy at what most ppl would call a "GUY's Game" well all i got to say is never Underestimate girl power! =] [thats right bryan! u noe wad im talking about]
yesss isnt it fun to see ones facial expression the moment they fail!? alright alright i'll stop being mean, ur face is probably bloating up in full redness by now, but chillax k =] its alright that u lost to me A GIRL ! Geez brys, no need to act like a sore loser .. tsk tsk tsk
see wad i just found
*Brys spotted whilst talking to benwong - refusing to admit his absolutely failure at DOTA*

ßryan says:
ßryan says:
with xc and my brother
b e и. o_O says:
ßryan says:
she beat me without using skills
ßryan says:
b e и. o_O says:
b e и. o_O says:
proves even sg girls can beat msians
ßryan says:
ßryan says:
ßryan says:
xc isn't a girls
b e и. o_O says:
ßryan says:
n guys don't lose to girls

damn right u are bryz! SG girls have ALWAYS AND will ALWAYS beat msians ANYTIME OK brys! its a forgone conclusion btw Juzt incase u didnt noe, if u call me a guy means ur calling ur best friend gay =P plus how hard is it to just admit that maybe the problem is not that im not a girl, rather that UR not a GUY! =D there you go! payback time! EAT IT BRYAN!

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