

The day began as any other day would...but little did I know that an accident was about to happen, in which would change my perspective on driving entirely...

All I could see was the corner (junction) from which the cars were turning. There was no view on the cars that had already turned the corner thanks to all the illegally parked cars on the street after the junction. I edged out after seeing no turning cars at the corner, anticipating that there were no cars already on the street... so i went for it... and it all happened so fast that I could barely remember what I saw or what happened. All I know was that, one moment the car wasn't there and the next moment it appeared right in front of my drivers seat window. I saw the car coming at me and yet my feet were helplessly frozen between the breaks and the accelerator, not knowing which one to step onto... so in the end i hit the breaks because it happened automatically... but looking back on it, if i hadn't hit those breaks, the car wouldn't have hit my side on so badly.

Each time i think about the incident in an attempt to recollect what happened step by step, my mind cringes at every thought, leaving me tired and drained after 10 minutes of trying to remember what exactly happened and how the car actually hit mine.

5 seconds and thats all it took for my memory to be scarred... those 5 seconds of memory haunts me when i close my eyes, because all i can remember is the car coming at me and not stopping and then the loud bang against my door, with just a car door between me, my seat and the car.

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